Hakusha varese

Hakusha varese

Hakusha limited

Passionate about Far Eastern Medicine, he has deepened the study of moxibustion and how the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine can be used with the Japanese manual practice.

He became passionate about the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine attending courses of Chromotherapy applied to Chinese Medicine, seminars on Japanese Moxibustion with the master Maurizio Parini and Classical Chinese Medicine with Dr Maurizio Corradin. He then decided to enroll in the professional course for Shiatsu Operator, subsequently passing the examination of the Federation (FISIEO).

In the field of oncology he developed an interest in prevention through nutrition and lifestyle by attending numerous training courses and seminars. He teaches nutrition and lifestyle at the University ‘Insubria Master of II level of Senology and health institutions.

Graduated in Physiotherapy with a thesis on the “Use of Chinese medical gymnastics in Pain Therapy”. In the same year he graduated as Shiatsu Operator at the Centro Studi e Ricerche Shitasu in Genoa (now ASYE). He studied Fascial Manual Therapy according to the Bienfait method and Fascial Manipulation according to the Stecco method.

Scuola shiatsu milano

Massimo Cantara ha vissuto e studiato in Inghilterra per più di dieci anni e parla correntemente inglese. È membro di Three Treasures Yoga, una scuola di yoga riconosciuta a livello internazionale. Massimo è un insegnante di yoga registrato con SYM (Shiatsu Yoga Mediterraneo) così come un terapista e insegnante di Shiatsu professionale. È anche un kinesiologo qualificato e un terapista Cranial Sacral.

Nel 1999 ha fondato Holismos, un centro di yoga e terapie complementari a Poggibonsi, in Toscana, e a Varese sul confine svizzero. Insegna anche Anatomia, Fisiologia e lavoro sul corpo per i corsi di formazione per insegnanti di yoga. Massimo ha trascorso 12 anni praticando Shorinji Kempo (2° Dan) ma si è formato originariamente come percussionista, suonando per molti anni in vari gruppi nel Regno Unito e in Italia. Massimo insegna un solido stile classico di yoga cosparso di idee e suggerimenti dal suo back ground in Medicina Tradizionale Cinese, Kinesiologia e percussioni.

SARA DELLA TORRE, Nel 2010 Sara ha conseguito il diploma di praticante Shiatsu dopo un corso triennale presso la scuola di “Shiatsu e Moxa Hakusha” di Varese. Negli ultimi cinque anni ha partecipato a diversi workshop e corsi post diploma con Maurizio Parini, Massimo Cantara, Daniele Giorcelli e Roberto Vittorio Lazzaro.

Shiatsu massage varese

Massimo, Shiatsu Operator Diploma with the London College of Shiatsu 1992 with a thesis on the use of unconventional medicine in health protocols for drug detoxification, strong work experience at the Gateway Clinic of Lambeth Hospital in London under the supervision of John Tindall.  Diploma of Kinesiologist, (Kinesiopathy) Diploma of Cranio Sacral Balancing, Diploma of Yoga Teacher (500h); diploma in Yoga Therapy with Vasishta Yoga Foundation in Kerala, India.

In 2020 she starts a master to become a Yoga Operator for schools and joins the ASD Kinder yoga together with Ilaria Sogliano, committed to spread the practice of yoga and mindfullnes to children and young people directly at school.  In 2020 she obtains a diploma Mindfulnes Educators and begins the collaboration with the psychologist and psychotherapist Manuela Tomba.

Hakusha brescia

– Diploma of Professional Operator of Tuina Massage obtained following the three-year Professional Course of Practical and Theoretical Chinese Massage Tui-na An Mo Varese – at Alchimia Association – year 2009

– I worked for 4 years from 2005 to 2009 at a herbalist shop where I gained experience in the preparation of herbal teas, in the field of phyto-gemmotherapy, treatment with trace elements, nutrition and natural food, compounds and herbal products, phytocosmetics, body care products, essential oils;

-Monographic Specialization Courses with Maurizio Parini at Hakusha School, year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2017 – Topics covered: Allergies, Menopause, Back Disorders, Headaches, Brain, Gynecological Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Foot Disorders, Kidney-Heart Axis Treatment

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