Yoga roma montesacro

Yoga roma montesacro

Lotus center

At the same time the attention dedicated to breathing during the positions and to the work on Pranayama techniques, contributes to give to the physical and energetic body, more vigor and a better general state of health.

Hatha Yoga has in particular the merit of awakening the diaphragmatic breathing, forgotten and little practiced by the great majority of people, due to nervous and emotional tension, stressful rhythms of work and frantic life that leads the modern man.

A series of simple traditional Yoga sequences constantly accompanied by the “Breathing to Music” system, musical scales calibrated by researchers and sound engineers to resonate our nervous system on the frequencies of Theta Waves, and above all that will guide the student to associate each movement of the Yoga sequences to a gradual change in the rhythm of breathing, until it reaches a rhythm of 4 breaths per minute.

50 minutes of pure Yoga training, of high-tech Music, of transformation of the breathing rhythm, of movement in unison, of sharing and fun, that will bring us at the end of the session in the: NIRVANA!

“la canzone di noi” – il coro “notevolmente” di roma

Quotidianamente studio sotto la dolce guida di Tina Pizzimenti ed ogni anno dal 2016 dedico vari mesi all’approfondimento della mia pratica alla fonte dell’ Ashtanga yoga con R. SharatJi Jois a Mysore, India.    TESTIMONIANZE DI CLASSE

“Qualcosa che non mi sarei mai aspettato accadesse facendo yoga. Il mio alluce valgo non c’è più! Il mio alluce è dritto! L’Ashtanga Yoga è davvero dinamico e divertente ma anche molto meditativo grazie alla respirazione profonda e all’introspezione. Ho avuto grandi risultati. Grazie a Eszter che è sempre lì per me, correggendomi e aiutandomi con alcune delle posture più impegnative.  Bellissima esperienza, grazie Eszter “Malin, Svezia

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We are reviewing your application to ensure that it meets publication standards. Other than that, we have noted from your responses that you may not be able to matriculate to this training. This could be due to the degree you hold, where you live, etc. In any case, we recommend that you check by contacting the training center.

Classes last about an hour and a half.The class includesFrom 45 m. To an hour of dynamic exercises or postures combined with breathing and concentration techniques15m. Of guided relaxation15m. Approximately of meditationEveryone can access the classes at any time of the year. To begin to participate in the lessons and ‘need to contact the head of education (348 0585916) or the secretariat.E ‘can participate in a trial lesson that has a fixed cost of € 15.00 to subtract then the payment of the first month’. It is only necessary to show up 10 minutes before the lesson itself and fill out a form in the practice are required comfortable clothes and a towel to cover yourself during relaxation. The practice room is air conditioned and the floor is made of parquet; mats and pillows are available and the atmosphere is serene and relaxed.

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Functional Training, Yoga and Pilates classes are taking a break for the winter season but starting November 1st you can continue to train outdoors with our Outdoor Running classes.

Functional Training, Yoga and Pilates classes are taking a break for the winter season but starting November 1 you can continue to train outdoors with our Outdoor Running classes.

Functional Training, Yoga and Pilates classes are taking a break for the winter season but starting November 1 you can continue to train outdoors with our Outdoor Running classes.

The courses of Functional Training, Yoga and Pilates take a break for the winter season but from November 1 you can continue to train outdoors with our Outdoor Running classes.

Outdoor classes continue also in the winter season; starting from November 1st you can continue to train under the blue sky with the fresh air that restores and energizes in the new location of Villa Sperlinga.

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