Wonderwalla nibbiaia “la strada” (the road)
With the passing of time and with the successive disposition of new constructions – among which many shepherds’ dwellings – along the main roads, the different nuclei merged, giving the village its present aspect. Deforestation and clearing for the cultivation of new lands have followed each other throughout the 800 and until the early decades of the ‘900. The result of these operations has left wide traces in the agrarian landscape, still characterized by long fields and hedges that acted as a border.
With the passing of time and with the successive disposition of new constructions – among which many shepherds’ houses – along the main roads, the different nuclei have merged, giving to the village the present aspect. Deforestation and clearing for the cultivation of new lands have followed each other throughout the 800 and until the early decades of the ‘900. The result of these operations has left large traces in the agricultural landscape, still characterized by long fields and hedges that acted as a border.
Prima messa a nibbiaia
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Nibbiaia 04/02/2018 team bike vicopisano cycling pro
La stazione ferroviaria di Quercianella-Sonnino, sulla linea ferroviaria Pisa-Livorno-Roma, serve Quercianella, un piccolo paese sulla costa etrusca tra Antignano e Castiglioncello pochi chilometri a sud di Livorno. La stazione di Quercianella-Sonnino si trova a 3½ km a ovest di Nibbiaia.
Gabbro è un paese della Toscana, Italia centrale, amministrativamente una frazione del comune di Rosignano Marittimo, provincia di Livorno. Gabbro si trova a 3 km a nord-est di Nibbiaia. Foto: Lucarelli, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Castelnuovo della Misericordia è un paese della Toscana, Italia centrale, amministrativamente una frazione del comune di Rosignano Marittimo, provincia di Livorno. Castelnuovo della Misericordia si trova a 3½ km a sud-est di Nibbiaia.
Nibbiaia wetter
Mineral ListMineral list contains entries from the region specified including sub- localities ⓘ Albite ⓘ Anatase ⓘ Brookiteⓘ Calcite ⓘ ‘Chlorite Group’ⓘ ‘Chrome Ochre’ ⓘ Cinnabarⓘ Clinochloreⓘ Dolomite ⓘ Jamborite ⓘ Lepidocrociteⓘ Magnesite ⓘ Magnetiteⓘ Marcasite ⓘ Mellite ⓘ Millerite ⓘ Pentlandite ⓘ Pyrite ⓘ Quartzⓘ var. Chalcedony ⓘ var. Pseudocubic Quartzⓘ var. Rock Crystalⓘ Violarite
Bonifazi, Marco (2020) Tuscany. The minerals of Livorno. The fabulous treasures of our mountains. Youcanprint, 276 pages.BrookiteNibbiaia, Rosignano Marittimo, Livorno Province, Tuscany, Italy ⓘ BrookiteFormula: TiO2Colour: red-orangeReference: Giuliano Bettini collection;
Bonifazi, Marco (2020) Tuscany. The minerals of Livorno. The fabulous treasures of our mountains. Youcanprint, 276 pages.Chlorite Group, etc.Nibbiaia, Rosignano Marittimo, Livorno Province, Tuscany, Italy ⓘ ‘Chlorite Group’Reference: Giuliano Bettini Collection;
Bonifazi, Marco (2020) Tuscany. The minerals of Livorno. The fabulous treasures of our mountains. Youcanprint, 276 pages. ⓘ Quartz var. Rock CrystalFormula: SiO2Reference: Bonifazi, Marco (2020) Tuscany. The minerals of Livorno. The fabulous treasures of our mountains. Youcanprint, 276 pages. ⓘ ViolariteFormula: Fe2+Ni3+2S4Colour: silver grey with violet reflectionsDescription: intimately associated with pentlandite.Reference: Bettini, G., Benucci, V., Cosmi, S., Biagioni, C. (2018) Pentlandite. The crystallized samples from Nibbiaia, Livorno. Rivista Mineralogica Italiana: 42(2): 142-144;