Week end in abruzzo

Week end in abruzzo

Abruzzo what to see

Sea, mountains, culture, spas, sports.  Five good reasons to visit Abruzzo.  Quiet beaches for families and lidos for a vacation with friends: Vasto, San Salvo, Alba Adriatica, Francavilla al Mare and many other pleasant towns on the coast are ready to welcome you.

Sandy beaches alternate with pebbly ones, constantly changing the coastline. Even the sporadic stretches where cliffs appear, such as those of San Vito Chietino, Rocca San Giovanni and Vasto, make up a heterogeneous and diverse natural environment.

Agriturismo in montagna abruzzo

L’Abruzzo è, per coniare un vecchio cliché di viaggio, una vera e propria “destinazione per tutto l’anno”, con antichi borghi, castelli, laghi e fiumi incastonati tra montagne svettanti che nei mesi invernali offrono alcune delle migliori sciate del paese – alcune delle quali a soli 30 km da una costa incontaminata.

Se sei in visita durante la primavera o l’estate, una colazione del sabato mattina a Pescara è il modo perfetto per iniziare il weekend. Da lì, puoi attraversare il fiume per raggiungere il centro storico e visitare il Museo del Popolo d’Abruzzo per uno sguardo alla storia degli abruzzesi e alla loro cultura. A 5 minuti a piedi si trova la Casa Museo di Gabriele D’Annunzio, uno dei più famosi scrittori italiani e amico personale di Mussolini.

Se sei più amante della natura, trascorri il tuo weekend nelle zone più basse del Parco Nazionale della Majella, visitando paesi meravigliosi come Abbateggio, San Valentino, Caramanico Terme e Tocco. Qui hai la possibilità di soggiornare in un agriturismo a conduzione familiare.

In auto, prendete la A25 dall’aeroporto internazionale di Roma. Fate base nella città fortificata di Tagliacozzo o in una città del Parco Regionale Sirente Velino come Ovindoli o Celano. Visitate le rovine delle città romane di Alba Fucens vicino ad Avezzano e Amiternum vicino a L’Aquila. Se avete tempo, visitate anche le Grotte di Stiffe.

Abruzzo mountains

Strong and gentle: these are the adjectives generally associated with Abruzzo, a region between the Adriatic and the central Apennines, whose rough and sometimes wild nature, combined with an ancient history and the richness of its culture, gives those who visit an emotion after another.

Not to be missed is the Medieval Village (also known as Castello Della Monica, from the name of its designer): a complex of nineteenth-century buildings built on the small hill of San Venanzio, through the fusion in a single structure of different architectural and artistic styles.

At the table, Abruzzo demonstrates its peasant, pastoral and seafaring roots with a very varied and at the same time simple cuisine: spaghetti alla chitarra, fish soup, pecora alla cottora are a tasty journey into the thousand flavors of Abruzzo.

There are many characteristic oils: Aprutino Pescarese Dop, Pretuziano delle Colline Teramane and Colline Teatine Dop. Among the other products of excellence of the Abruzzo territory, white and black truffles and L’Aquila saffron DOP, produced in fifteen municipalities of the Navelli plateau and obtained by roasting the stigmas of the Crocus Sativus flower, deserve a prominent place.

One week in abruzzo

SPORT PACKAGE Hotel in Campo Felice with indoor heated swimming pool, soccer field, soccer field, multipurpose fields.    Lastminute Summer Season (July August and September) – Groups minimum 20 people up to 39 people:

OFFER FOR EVENT RACE ACROSS ITALY in TERAMO 3 star Hotel Seafront with Free Wi-Fi, Box Car / Bike and Massage Relax Extra Optional Offer valid from April 26 to May 5, 2020 for stays of minimum 2 nights

WEEKEND or 7 NIGHTS in 4 stars Hotel Village in front of the sea with swimming pool for adults and children, private beach, entertainment and spa in Abruzzo in Montesilvano Hotel Village with 3 swimming pools and sports fields, rooms and apartments. Air Conditioning, Baby kitchen.

Weekly prices Abruzzo Sea in Village 4 stars in formula Residence in front of the Sea with private beach In Abruzzo at Montesilvano Holiday Apartments in Village in front of the sea with Animation 3 Swimming Pools SPA and sport fields

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