Elena de vecchi

Elena de vecchi

Ilaria anima fragile

E. Devecchi (a cura di), Paleografia e pratiche scribali in Siro-Palestina e Anatolia nella tarda età del bronzo. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Leiden December 17-18, 2009 (PIHANS 119), Leiden 2012.Save to LibraryDownloadEditPaperRank:    Lettori Articoli correlati MenzioniVedi Impatto

E. Devecchi (a cura di), Paleografia e pratiche scribali in Siro-Palestina e Anatolia nella tarda età del bronzo. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Leiden December 17-18, 2009 (PIHANS 119), Leiden 2012.Save to LibraryDownloadEditPaperRank:    Lettori Articoli correlati MenzioniVedi Impatto


On the development of the investigations carried out by the two police stations – the Italian one and the Slovenian one – which once again operate in total synergy and collaboration, the reading flows and the skilful narration brings us to know the genealogical researches of the assistant Zingerle that intertwine with the letters of the Austro-Hungarian soldier Isidoro with surprising implications; resurfaced from the cellars, the ancient letters bring us back to the times of the First World War, some of them, escaped censorship, tell of a war neither wanted nor shared by the population.

Papir leads us to know our territory also with regard to some historical buildings: the castle of Kromberk near Nova Gorica belonged to the Coronini Cromberg family (now seat of the Goriski Musej) and the villa of the Coronini counts in Gorizia (today Museum of the Coronini Cromberg Foundation).

Fieno mas

1. Caratteristiche probiotiche e compatibilità in vitro di una combinazione di Bifidobacterium breve M-16 V, Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis M-63 e 作者: Marco Toscano ; Elena De Vecchi ; Arianna Gabrieli…关键词:Probiotico ; Bifidobatteri ; Integratore alimentare ; Sicurezza刊名:Annals of Microbiology出版年:2015

作者:Lorenzo Drago (1) (2) Roberto Mattina (3) Lucia Nicola (1) Valentina Rodighiero (2) Elena De Vecchi (1) 关键词:lactobacilli ; antibiotici ; selezione di resistenza刊名:Journal of Microbiology出版年:2011

作者:Lorenzo Drago (1) (2) Elena De Vecchi (1) Marco Pasqualini (3) Laura Moneghini (4) Maurilio Bruno (3) 关键词:Neuropatia ; Sifilide ; HIV ; HCV ; Artropatia di Charcot刊名:BMC Infectious Diseases出版年:2011


Guest of the transmission Quarta di copertina (Fourth of the cover) is the mystery writer Elena De Vecchi, author of two detective stories (Stanca morta and Papir), both set in the Gorizia area on the borderline. In Luisa Antoni’s editorial salon, De Vecchi talks about her passion for historical research and her love for these lands.

Guest of the transmission Quarta di copertina (Fourth of the cover) is the detective novelist Elena De Vecchi, author of two detective stories (Stanca morta and Papir), both set in the Gorizia area across the borders. In Luisa Antoni’s editorial salon, De Vecchi tells about her passion for historical research and her love for these lands.

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