Yoga sant agostino milano

Yoga sant agostino milano

iyengar yoga italy

This book aims, through the illustration of some simple postures, as well as through effective techniques of conscious breathing and guided relaxation – specifically designed for those who are in a condition of discomfort – to discover a space of calm and a change of perspective, from which to move to accept and deal with the disease.

Interesting book that provides many insights in case you have to deal with the relationship with a sick person or you want to embark on a personal journey. Also useful to those who teach yoga to have some stimulus in organizing lessons even if not exhaustive on the subject.

nula yoga

Silvia Santagostino has been practicing hatha yoga since 1997. She obtained her yoga teacher diploma at the Istituto Superiore di Formazione Insegnanti Yoga (ISFIY) of Milan of the Italian Yoga Federation.

She has directed her research to develop and promote the application of yoga among the complementary therapies of support in the psychophysical rehabilitation of cancer patients and holds special courses for patients and former cancer patients at the “Centro Prevenzione Tumori e Sostegno Psiconcologico” (Cancer Prevention and Psycho-oncological Support Center) of the Lega Italiana Lotta ai Tumori – LILT – of Novara. These courses are sponsored by YANI. She leads post-training seminars on “Yoga and Oncology” at important yoga centers in Italy.

milan yoga space

Fabrizio Curcio, head of the Department of Civil Protection: “The weather phenomenon has had a lull that is consuming in these hours, but we expect that between tonight and tomorrow resume”.

A new edition of the Pin Up Circus in Halloween version at Manganelli Square from October 29, 2021 to November 1, 2021.  Two juggling shows each day. Makeup artist at the service of children. Free swing lesson.  Workshops for children. Food area.    Handicrafts…

From Saturday, November 30 to November 1 appointment at Palazzo Biscari with the exhibition of handicrafts of excellence entitled ‘Handmade Lovely Sicily’. Free admission. For information call 349-6336129.

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