Hong so
hong sau nella spina dorsale
La tecnica Hong-Sau di Paramhansa Yogananda è lo strumento perfetto per sviluppare la concentrazione necessaria alla pratica della meditazione. Il suo scopo è quello di aiutare a calmare la mente calmando il respiro e concentrandosi sul mantra Hong (che fa rima con canzone)-Sau (che fa rima con sega), che significa “Io sono Spirito”.Questo mantra porta il significato e la vibrazione che noi siamo uno con lo spirito nel profondo della nostra supercoscienza, così che possiamo diventare aperti all’esperienza diretta della comunione con Dio. Così possiamo arrivare a conoscerlo come una delle sue qualità divine: pace, calma, suono, luce, amore, gioia o beatitudine, potere o saggezza. Entrando in questo stato di calma profonda, dimentichiamo il respiro, e dimentichiamo il corpo, così che possiamo sperimentare Dio nell’immobilità all'”altare dello spirito”.
hong-sau experiences
Make sure your whole body is relaxed, mentally review and relax if necessary, your feet, legs, thighs, buttocks, back, abdomen, chest, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, face.
Bring your attention to the passage of air through your nostrils and become aware of the slight friction that occurs there each time air enters and leaves. Observe your breath as an outside spectator, resisting the urge to control it.
If your attention wanders away from the awareness of the breath, if other thoughts come up or you are distracted by external noises or physical or emotional sensations, at the very moment you become aware of the distraction, take notice and gently bring your attention back to the breath and mantra.
At the end turn your attention away from the breath and focus only on the point between the eyebrows (Kutashta), trying to remain simply in the state of emptiness and peace produced by the technique, in a mental disposition of total surrender, staying there for a few minutes (approx. 3, 5 or 10), or listen to the sounds inside and around the head, focusing at the end on the predominant sound letting yourself be absorbed by its vibration, feeling it as an aspect of the mantra Om.
hong-sau pronunciation
Paramhansa Yogananda’s Hong-So technique is the perfect tool for developing the concentration necessary for meditation practice. Its purpose is to help calm the mind by calming the breath and focusing on the mantra Hong (with “H” aspirated, as in English) So, which means “I am Spirit” This mantra carries the meaning and vibration of our oneness with Spirit into the depths of superconsciousness, so that we can open ourselves to the direct experience of communion with God. Thus we can come to know Him as one of His divine qualities: peace, calm, sound, light, love, bliss, power, or wisdom.entering this state of deep calm, we forget the breath, we forget the body, in order to experience God in silence, “the altar of Spirit. “Learn the Hong-So technique.
beneficios del hong-sau
Esta es una guía de nivel básico para aprender la técnica de meditación Hong-Sau de Paramhansa Yogananda. Paramhansa Yogananda es considerado uno de los yoguis más influyentes de los tiempos modernos. Junto con los fundamentos, aprenderás un ejercicio de respiración para practicar antes de la Meditación. Este ejercicio te ayudará a conseguir resultados efectivos desde el principio. Tanto si quieres desarrollar la concentración en proyectos importantes como si simplemente quieres experimentar la paz interior, esta guía te resultará útil. ¡Comencemos!
Paramhansa Yogananda nació como Mukunda Lal Ghosh en Gorakhpur, India. Fue un yogui autorrealizado. Yogananda introdujo la meditación y el Kriya Yoga a millones de personas en la India y América. Su Gurú Swami Sri Yukteswar lo envió a Occidente en la década de 1920 con una misión especial. Su misión era mostrar la unidad entre las religiones orientales y occidentales. El equilibrio entre el materialismo occidental y el espiritualismo oriental. Se preocupaba por la elevación de toda la humanidad. A mediados de los años 40 publicó su libro Autobiografía de un yogui, que ha dado a conocer a millones de personas las maravillas del yoga. Harper SanFrancisco lo incluyó en la lista de los “100 mejores libros espirituales del siglo XX”.